Free ringtones for a nokia 3560. Download free nokia games - free mobile games for nokia 3560. Get 10 free nokia ringtones,nokia cell phone ringtones, free nokia ....Free nokia cell phone ringtones at - free nokia cell .... |
Free nokia ringtones 0 9 - nokia mobile free ringtones 0 from free ...Free ringtones for a nokia 3560. Ed previously is shown, if available. To enter a new or edit an existing tone: 1. Enter the desired notes Press: 1 for note c 2 for note d 3 for note e 4 for note f 5 for note g 6 for note a 7 for note b 0 for a p (pause = "Rest") ( ) A number between brackets, i.e. (5) means hold the key until a dot appears. The phone plays each note after it is entered (unless the phone tones are off). 2. To adjust the characteristics of the note, do as follows: Note duration: 8 shortens (-) and 9 lengthens (+) the duration of the note or rest. The default duration is 1 4. The duration is shown in front of the note, e.g. 16d denotes a note d with duration1 16. Rest: 0 inserts a rest (i.e. pause) of the same duration as the previous note. The default duration of a rest is one quarter note (1 4). The rest is indicated by the - character. Octave: *+ sets the octave for new notes. The octave is shown as a number after the note (e.g. e1). Pitch: makes the note sharp (indicated by in front of the note), e.g. f. The pitch selection is not available for notes e and b. 3. To edit the notes, do as follows: Use the arrows to move the cursor right or left, respectively. C deletes a note or a rest to the left. 4. After you have completed the tone, press Options, choose one of the functions below, and press OK. Play??? : Plays back the notes to the left of the cursor. Save??? : Allows you to name the tone and add it to the ringing tone list. Tempo??? : Allows you to select the desired tempo for the tone (in beats per minute). Send??? : Allows you to send the tone to another phone. Clear Screen??? : Del![]() |
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