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[ Ringtones for verizon phones ]
Hing but recognise my phone on my computer with sp2 so ill try it on my other one and see what happens BS2005 Suspended permanently 29. April 2005 @ 09:29 AlmostOz it works with sp2 too. dont use p2kman to upload ringtones to your phone. pixelboy Newbie 29. April 2005 @ 14:59 Nicee Bible... BrightSpark, that bible rules... !!!! Thanks a lot, I think it very useful. It will nice if everybody can be read Stink Suspended permanently 29. April 2005 @ 21:57 Mossyy i have no problem with you copy all the tip& trisks and unlock software and how to and share it to other people and help them out, but silently take credit for all off those things with out mention the authors of those things is bad man you have no respect for all those peole that is low dude This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. April 2005 @ 00:52 sh73312 Newbie 4. May 2005 @ 05:13 when i upload 0061_0001.seem, 0062_0001.seem , where do they go? pixelboy Newbie 6. May 2005 @ 19:06 Qu

triplets 2 ringtone Ny program which can help me send applications and games to my Motorola A835 using bluetooth or infra red as i have no usb data caple please can any body help mossyy Senior Member 14. April 2005 @ 06:06 well i guess u have to buy a usb data cable...!!! So MuCh TiMe YoU wAsTeD, ThAtS wHy I hAd 2 RePlAcE YoU.... imgelocus Newbie 14. April 2005 @ 16:30 HELP! k, installed phone tools v3.? phonetools program itself doesnt have media accesibility. opened mms studio, and am trying to configure. if im understanding this right, it uses your computer to connect to your phone, uses your phone to connect to the internet to send files to another phone? got it to dial out through my phone, and it connects to the internet, and then stops. What's the MMS Center Address? isnt motorolas latest phone tools supposed to have the media accesibility in the phone tools interface? The link to the zipped v2.? works, but once its downloaded, the file wont open in WinZIP. thanks 4 help! I

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Crazy Frog Presents Crazy Hits comes Wacky Animals, starring the friends of Crazy Frog, including Mickael The Turtle, Easy Duck & Easy Pig and the Monkey Family! & 160;& 160;& 160; :: more :: Introducing...Mikael The Turtle posted Wednesday, March 8, 2006You must have heard of Crazy Frog by now...if not ask the person beside you if they do. Now we& 39;d like to introduce you to a few more of his friends starting with Mikael The Turtle. Go to the media section and you can download this little fella as a screen mate. Learn more. Look for this collection of animals to release an album on March 28th. MEDIA ECARD :: Wacky Animals view SCREENMATE :: Mikael The Turtle Download for PC WALLPAPER :: The Easy Raideurs 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 WALLPAPER :: Mikael The Turtle 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 WALLPAPER :: The Monkey Family 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 WALLPAPER :: Zboing & Bla Bla 1280x960 1024x768 800x600 INFO Mickael The Turtle& 160;(He has really come out of his shell!) & 160;& 160

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